Grades K-12 (Ages 5-18)
Mix It Club
Mix It! Is a cooking/baking club. Club advisors will provide a theme and a secret ingredient to use in a recipe each week. Students can find a recipe or make one up themselves using that specific ingredient and following the theme (ex: breakfast food). They will then take a picture of their finished masterpiece to share with the club at our weekly meetings.
Membership Requirements
This club is for students in grades K-12.
Parents must supervise/ help students as needed in the kitchen.
Families will be required to find their own recipes and buy their own ingredients. Note that items purchased for this Club follow the reimbursement rules as outlined in Parent Link.
If the ingredients don’t work for your family’s lifestyle, email one of the advisors and we can help you choose a different ingredient.
Be kind and courteous. Always use appropriate language. No hate speech or bullying. (See My Tech High Community Guidelines in Parent Link Article 6.2.)