Grades 2-6 (Ages 7-11)
Do you love to build with LEGO bricks? Come join LEGO Club to learn about how and why LEGO was originally made. We will learn what careers you can have with LEGO. We will have weekly building challenges. We will end our club with a LEGO competition! Come join us as we put our engineering minds to work!
Membership Requirements
This club is for students in grades 2-6.
Students must have LEGO bricks to build with.
Students will spend time outside of the club to create their weekly challenge. They will need a good variety of LEGO bricks to create their ideas. These should be student-made, not LEGO kits.
Be kind and courteous. Always use appropriate language. No hate speech or bullying. (See My Tech High Community Guidelines in Parent Link Article 6.2.)